$1 $0 a year

Sparrow of Love Fashion Network

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Sparrow of Love Fashion Network

Welcome to The Sparrow of Love fashion network!

Note: This is not a dating network.

This is a faith based community and it exists because I thought it would be great to bring all brands together that glorify our creator! God is awesome and I can't wait to see more fashion and designs dedicated to his glory!

The membership is just $1.

The reason for this is because the platform that I'm using requires that members pay a fee. So I made it the lowest possible. I'd rather you join for free!

Thank You so much for joining! You are appreciated! Let's Network! Join us in the Discord chat for free Business tools to build your empires!

Luv - Ena (XenBoheme)

100% off will be applied at checkout (Code SPARROW)
All memberships include a 1 month free trial
0 members

Zero Refunds - Membership Value is over $1000

Due to this platform's requirements -under Gumroad, I am required to take a monthly fee for subscribers to this membership program. I've set it at $1 So it's literally $1 a year. You can't beat that!

Everything that I've curated in our discord community I give to you freely. I've done the research and whatever I could find to help you build will be in there!

There are no refunds. If you feel that a dollar is too much please let me know. Ena (XenBoheme)

Last updated Jun 11, 2024

Perks of Joining!

Free Business Resources
High Ticket Affiliate Connections
Custom Made Logos by Xen
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